Setting up Lua Snip
Published: 05-11-2024
- lua snip is one of the best plugins for snippets in neovim as it is
- written in lua
- is compatible with nvim-cmp
- allows for complex snippet logic
Installing the plugin
My package manager of choice is lazy. Mainly due to its ease of installation and the ability to fragment your package configs.
- I have files for each type of plugin, returning a table with their configurations.
- I prefer having my configurations / keybindings directly under the package installation.
- this way when I need to change something I know exactly where to go.
return {
dependencies = {
-- Configuration and Keybindings
config = function()
local ls = require('luasnip')
-- expand
vim.keymap.set({ "i" }, "<C-K>", function() ls.expand() end, { silent = true })
-- moving inside snippets
vim.keymap.set({ "i", "s" }, "<C-L>", function() ls.jump(1) end, { silent = true })
vim.keymap.set({ "i", "s" }, "<C-J>", function() ls.jump(-1) end, { silent = true })
-- go through list of possible snippet options
vim.keymap.set({ "i", "s" }, "<C-E>", function()
if ls.choice_active() then
end, { silent = true })
- we add cmp_luasnip for nvim-cmp to have access to our snippets during completion
Configuring with nvim-cmp
We need to set the snippet framework among other cmp specific settings, for me this is where cmp is installed.
- this allows for our completion binding in cmp to expand snippets (so not just ‘C-k’ but whatever cmp uses aswell)
-- setting up and configuring cmp
if cmp then
view = {
docs = { auto_open = false }
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
require 'luasnip'.lsp_expand(args.body) -- LuaSnip
completion = {
completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noinsert',
max_item_count = 10
window = {
completion = cmp.config.window.bordered(),
documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered(),
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
['<C-b>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
['<C-f>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
['<C-e>'] = cmp.mapping.abort(),
['<tab>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
sources = cmp.config.sources({
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' },
{ name = 'luasnip' }, -- LuaSnip
{ name = 'path' },
}, {
{ name = 'buffer' },
Creating Custom Snippets
I put my snippets in ftplugin/<lang>.lua
, I feel that it keeps my .config/nvim/ a bit cleaner and reduces configuration overhead.
- the inital requires pull in the functions from LuaSnip that will be needed for all types of snippets for simple snippets you only need
-> LuaSnips
-> Add snippets for a languagei
-> text insertionfmt
-> a cleaner declaration for snippets using lua block string[[]]
Basic plugins
local ls = require("luasnip")
local s = ls.snippet
local i = ls.insert_node
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
ls.add_snippets("python", {
s("lc", fmt([[
{} = [{} for {} in {}]
]], {
i(1, "var"),
i(2, "element"),
i(3, "element"),
i(0, "list"),
Custom functions for inserting text
for ‘dynamic’ snippets that use lua functions to add extra text to snippets we will need the following additional modules from LuaSnip
-> adding textd
-> dynamic function that takes- a position to insert text
- a function to generate text
- positions to gather data to pass into the function
-> the return type for the function ‘d’ used for creating dynamic snippets
in this example our snippet will look at the parameters supplied to the function and its return type, using both to generate a docstring.
local ls = require("luasnip")
local s = ls.snippet
local i = ls.insert_node
local t = ls.text_node
local d = ls.dynamic_node
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
local snippet_node = ls.snippet_node
-- args would be the nodes {3, 4}
local function nat_spec_comments(args)
-- split params by ','
local params = vim.split(args[1][1], ",")
-- the return type is the last arg
local visibility = args[2][1]
local nodes = {}
-- iterate through params
for _, param in ipairs(params) do
param = vim.trim(param)
if param ~= "" then
-- for each param create a new text node
local parts = vim.split(vim.trim(param), "%s+")
local var_name = parts[#parts]
table.insert(nodes, t({ "/// @param " .. var_name, "" })) -- ,"" creates a newline
-- check for return
if string.find(visibility, "returns") then
table.insert(nodes, t({ "/// @return", "" }))
-- return autogenerated nodes
return snippet_node(nil, nodes)
ls.add_snippets("solidity", {
s("function", fmt([[
{docs}function {}({}) {} {{
]], {
docs = d(1, nat_spec_comments, { 3, 4 }),
i(2, "functionName"),
i(4, "visibility"),
i(0, "body")
-- 'function test(bytes32 a, bytes memory b) returns (bool) {}'
-- becomes...
-- /// @param a
-- /// @param b
-- /// @return
-- function test(bytes32 a, bytes memory b) returns (bool) {}
Example of plugins that need to consider indentation
One consideration when using whitespace based syntax languages like Python, is proper indentation. If you were to use the same approach as above the inserted docstrings would be out of position. To remidy this we use ‘isn’ or indent snippet nodes. This process is very similar but has slight changes that can be frustrating at first.
- These snippets showcase the power of using lua to define snippets. We can use advanced logic to parse arguments with a real language (code wars lua challenges make you better at Neovim!!!)
- we will take in the function parameters then insert the boilerplate for Google Style Documentation.
- one thing we have to avoid is splitting on all ’,’ as some type hints like
tuple[str, int]
contain commas that would break the naive approach.- to prevent this we write another function to handle parsing the parameters
-- additional imports
local isn = ls.indent_snippet_node
local f = ls.function_node
local k = require('luasnip.nodes.key_indexer').new_key
-- make sure type hits like 'tuple[int, str]' get properly parsed
local function parse_params(str)
local params = {}
local balance = 0
local param = {}
-- Iterate over each character looking for []
for j = 1, #str do
local char = str:sub(j, j)
if char == '[' then
balance = balance + 1
elseif char == ']' then
balance = balance - 1
-- If a comma not within brackets is found, split here.
if char == ',' and balance == 0 then
table.insert(params, table.concat(param))
param = {}
table.insert(param, char)
-- Insert the last parameter.
table.insert(params, table.concat(param))
return params
local function doc_string(args)
local raw_params = args[1][1] -- get the arguments from 'p-key'
local params = parse_params(raw_params) -- process them
local nodes = {}
-- iterate through parsed params
for _, param in ipairs(params) do
param = vim.trim(param)
if param ~= "" then
-- break apart param name and type hint
local parts = vim.split(vim.trim(param), ":")
local var_name = vim.trim(parts[1])
-- check for type hints
if #parts > 1 then
local type_name = vim.trim(parts[2])
table.insert(nodes, (var_name .. ' (' .. type_name .. '):'))
table.insert(nodes, (var_name .. ' '))
return nodes
ls.add_snippets("python", {
s("dd", fmt([[
def {}({}):
]], {
i(1, "name"),
i(2, "params", { key = "p-key" }), -- give {2} a string key
i(3, "desc"),
isn(nil, { f(doc_string, k("p-key")) }, "$PARENT_INDENT\t\t"),
i(0, "body")
example of using the pythong docstring snippet implemented above.